Best Friends Quotes

Best friends are the ones that can take your fake smile away and replace it with a real one.

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At first they were five strangers but now they’re five best friends.

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At times when I feel all alone, I think of you and my heart heads home. Memories’ path will have no end when shared with you, my wonderful friend.

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Because life is an ugly place not to have a best friend.

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Been together through everything, good times and bad. Being without you would make me extremely sad.

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Best friend – someone you don’t have to tell your whole life to because they lived through it with you.

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All the remember when’s and what’s going on tonight’s, uncontrollable laughter and even stupid fights but nothing in this world could tear us apart. You’ve become more than my best friend. You’re my sister, my heart.

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Best friend: that one special someone that brightens up your day with a smile.

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Although we may have taken different paths to reach the end, we’re right back where we started as the very best of friends.

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Best friends – because it’s nice to know someone understands.

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Always be there, you’re my best friend. Nothing will ever come between us. I know we don’t always get along but in the end the troubles make our friendship stronger.

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Best friends – the ones you can only be mad at for an hour ’cause you have important stuff to tell them.

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And all those nights we stayed on the phone until we couldn’t keep our eyes open, thanks for never hanging up.

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Best friends are aware of how stupid you are but still choose to be seen with you in public.

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A friend would pick you up when you fall but a best friend helps you up just so they can trip your ass again.

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