Best Friends Quotes
You’re getting calls at three in the morning when I can’t go to sleep and you’re behind my back when someone calls me a beep. Without you, I’m in a world with no map. That’s why you’re my best friend and no best friend for life quality you could ever lack.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You’re always there for me through good times and bad. You never let me down and we never fought about anything. We had such good times from talking on the phone to going to the movies, shopping together, sleepovers, talking about boys, and all the laughter. You always listened to my problems and always helped me get through them. You’re my best friend, always and forever.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You’re my best friend, the one I rely on. I can tell you anything and know you won’t tell another living person. I can always come to you. You’re always going to be there. So many memories we share and many more to come. I’ll always be there for you.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You’re my best friend. We laugh at sh*t that isn’t even funny. When I never thought I would pull through, always you were true. I wish I could tell you how much I care. There isn’t anyone better. I swear.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You’re my best friend. We’ll be best friends until the end. You’ve always been there for me. Without you, I don’t know where I would be. Yeah, we get into stupid little fights but we usually make up the next night. I know we’ll be best friends.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You’re my shoulder to cry on, the one I can rely on. You’re what holds me together, my best friend forever.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You’re the definition of the absolute best. You’re the reason I get through life when it’s a mess.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You know you’re best friends when you can sit there in silence and it wouldn’t be awkward.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You’re the one who makes things different. You’re the one who took me in. You’re the one who I can count on but above all, you’re my best friend.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You lifted me up when I could not lift myself; you made me smile when I forgot how to. You were there for me in my times of need and you were there for me when I needed nothing at all.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You’re the peanut to my butter. You’re the star to my burst. You’re the M to my M&M’s. You’re the pop to my tart. You’re the milky to my way. You’re the fruit to my loop. You’re the milk to my duds. You’re the cocoa to my puffs. You’re the ice to my cream but most important you’re the best to my friend.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You make me laugh. You don’t let me cry. You make me happy when I want to die. When the world looks black, I won’t worry about the end because nothing could go wrong with you as my best friend.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You’ve been there through all the years, phone calls, girl talks, boys and tears. Counting on you until the very end, just three little words: my bestest friend.
see more Best Friends, Friendship
You should have known that I would stay by your side. You should have known your girl was going to die or ride.
Should’ve Known Better by Monica Lyric
see more Best Friends, Famous, Friendship
Your best friend is the one that knows how retarded you are but still manages to be seen with you.
see more Best Friends, Friendship