Best Friends Quotes

I’m down for whatever as long as we’re in it together. When you’re too blazed to talk or too drunk to walk, don’t worry ’cause I’ll be stumbling right behind you.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

I’m always going to be here for you and I definitely got your back. I’ll love you forever and I can promise you that.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

I’m here for you when you need help, when you cry, when you try and don’t make it, when guys are being retarded and people aren’t helping you out. Look to me and I’ll help you. I’m here for you when you cry and I’ll be here to help until the day I die.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

In every girl’s life there’s heartache and shame but there’s also her girls who without she’s just not the same.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

I’m there for her no matter the sitch. Whether it’s sipping vodka shots or fucking up a b*tch.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

In life it seems that your best friends are the ones who get you in the most trouble.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

I know that life seems hard, cruel, and unkind, a lonesome journey with questions in your mind. I’ll hold your weary hand as you walk down the road. Just remember you’re never alone. Whenever you need someone, whenever you want someone to reach out and touch you with a love that is strong, whenever you need somebody, whenever you want a friend to chase away the clouds and then the sunshine again, I will be your friend always and forever.

Whenever You Need Somebody by Natalie Grant Lyric

see more Best Friends, Famous, Friendship

I know this girl like the back of my hand, the only one who truly understands.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

I may not be the prettiest girl alive, the richest girl alive, or even the smartest girl alive but I know I’m the luckiest girl alive because I have the best friends by my side.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

I pinky swear we’ll be best friends forever.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

I promise I’ll be with you until the very end, wiping your tears away and being your best friend. I’ll smile when you smile and feel the pain when you do and if you cry just one tear I promise I’ll cry, too.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

I promise you that when you begin to break I’ll be a phone call away. I swear I’ll take the pain away. I won’t rest until I know you’re okay.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

I spend every day of my life thinking about the crazy sh*t we do. When it starts getting rough I’m gonna stand by you. Whenever you need me I’m gonna be there for you and if it never comes down to it you know I would lie for you, I would cry for you, and die for you ’cause that’s what best friends do!

see more Best Friends, Friendship

I guess what I like best about you is how you can make me laugh even when nothing’s funny.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

I have a feeling we might be the kind of best friends who will be in the attic one day blowing off the dust of old pictures and laughing at them.

see more Best Friends, Friendship

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