Best Friends Quotes
So what if we’re acting like immature idiots? At least we’re having fun!
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Nothing is going to change so much that you won’t be my best friend.
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Some friends will ask you why you’re crying but best friends will know exactly why and then go kick his ass.
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One million memories. One hundred thousand inside jokes. Ten thousand great times. One hundred secrets. One reason. Best Friends.
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Somehow I knew we would always be friends. We’ve had our fights, our ups and downs, but when big things came along, we could work anything out. We’d fight over boys then laugh it off because we learned it wasn’t worth it. We knew that our friendship would make it through anything. It feels like we’ve been friends for forever and really, we pretty much have. But no matter what you’ve always been there for me when I needed you the most, and I love you to death for that.
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Only a best friend would steal your underwear and let it be run over by a car.
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Sometimes I don’t know what to think about. I don’t know what to believe. Sometimes I wish I could just run away, get out, and leave but then you always find a way to brighten my worst day. You turn the worst to best in just a single minute. I don’t know how my life would be without you in it. I guess I just want to let you know that no matter how life may go always know it’s true that I love you and I’ll be here for you.
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Our friendship is so strong. We can tell each other everything. We know everything about each other. Sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself. You help me through the good times and the bad. You give me strength when others make me weak. You make me see things I’ve never seen before even if I don’t want to see them. You keep me on the path when it seems like I’m slipping. Our friendship is so strong, it’s not even a friendship anymore. It’s more as if we’re family helping where needed most. That’s how strong our friendship is.
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Sometimes I feel like the whole world is holding me down. Everywhere I look, it seems like there is no one for me to turn to and then you’re there and it’s as if the weight of the world is off my shoulders.
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Our inside jokes? Way too many to name. When we’re apart, it’s not the same. When we’re together, it’s nothing but fun. As for replacing you, it just can’t be done.
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Sometimes I wonder where I would be, if I never met you and you never met me. Whom would I laugh with and cry until the end? Where would I be without my best friend?
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People say best friends should always hold hands, but real best friends don’t have to because they know the other hand will always be there.
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Standing by all the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up when you’re weak. Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears when you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Absorbing your voice when you talk. Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there through thick and thin all just to say you’re my best friend.
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Me without you is like a pothead not high, a plane that doesn’t fly, a best with no buy, a hooker with no luck, a ho that doesn’t suck, a sl*t that doesn’t f*ck, a nerd without braces, and a sentenceswithoutspaces.
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People say best friends will trade you the yucky purple Popsicle for the good pink one but my best friend just says, “f*ck you. Eat the d*mn thing.”
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