Books Quotes

Jacob was waiting for me. My chest seemed to relax as soon as I saw him, making it easier to breathe.


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

Jacob was simply a perpetually happy person, and he carried that happiness with him like an aura, sharing it with whoever was near him. Like an earthbound sun, whenever someone was within his gravitational pull, Jacob warmed them. It was natural, a part of who he was. No wonder I was so eager to see him.


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

It’s not my fault you’re a freak.


Bella Swan

see more Books, Insults, New Moon

It’s not like you’ll never see me again. I promise I’ll be back again soon—so much you’ll get sick of me.


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

It was strange for me, being this close—emotionally rather than physically, though the physical was strange for me, too—to another human being. It wasn’t my usual style. I didn’t normally relate to people so easily, on such a basic level. Not human beings.


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

It was like someone had died—like I had died. Because it had been more than just losing the truest of true loves, as if that were not enough to kill anyone. It was also losing a whole future, a whole family—the whole life that I’d chosen…


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

It was inevitable that I would have nightmares, but they wouldn’t be about zombies.


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

It was heaven—right smack in the middle of hell.


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

It was easy to see where his inspiration came from—but Edward’s look wasn’t something that could be achieved through imitation.


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

It was depressing to realize that I wasn’t the heroine anymore, that my story was over.


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

It was amazingly easy to say his name now. I wasn’t sure what the difference was. Maybe because I wasn’t really planning on living much longer without seeing him. Or at all, if we were too late. It was comforting to know that I would have an easy out.


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

It took less than half a second for me to realize that, as long as I was truly insane now, I might as well enjoy the delusions while they were pleasant.


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

It never made sense for you to love me. I always knew that.


Bella Swan

see more Books, Love, New Moon

It hurts to think about them. It’s like I can’t breathe… like I’m breaking into pieces.


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

It didn’t feel like the pain had weakened over time, rather that I’d grown strong enough to bear it.


Bella Swan

see more Books, New Moon

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