Breaking Dawn Quotes
I tried to comprehend, through the film of tears blinding me, the surreal fact that this amazing person was mine.
Bella Cullen
see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Cute, Love
I took her face in my hand. I didn’t have to remind myself to be gentle. Everything about her screamed breakable.
Jacob Black
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see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Love, Still In Love
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see more Books, Breaking Dawn
see more Books, Breaking Dawn
I opened my eyes and found his open, too, staring at my face. It made no sense when he looked at me that way. Like I was the prize rather than the outrageously lucky winner.
Bella Swan
see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Cute, Love
I love him enough that I want that. I want him to have what’s best for him. I just don’t want to stick around to watch.
Leah Clearwater
see more Books, Break Up, Breaking Dawn, Love
Edward had always thought that he belonged to the world of horror stories. Of course, I’d known that he was dead wrong. It was obvious that he belonged here. In a fairy tale. And now I was in the story with him.
Bella Cullen
see more Books, Breaking Dawn
You’ve never been a teenager, sweetie. You know what’s best for you.
Renée Dwyer
see more Books, Breaking Dawn
Don’t panic, love. You’re just a bit stronger than I am for the moment.
Edward Cullen
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see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Cute, Love
Despite my best efforts, I’ve seen you naked before – doesn’t do much for me, so no worries.
Leah Clearwater
see more Books, Breaking Dawn, Insults
Deep breaths, Bella. And try to lower your heart rate. You’re going to sweat off your new face.
Alice Cullen
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